No se pierda el taller:
Como Pasar de Ser Emprendedor a Lider en tu Industria:
3 Pasos Criticos para Crear Tu Equipo de Alto Impacto.
Leadership Workshop in Spanish
Presented by
Giovanni Gonzalez
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
About our guest speaker
Born in Colombia, Giovanni lived in Belize and currently resides in Atlanta, Ga. As a first-time immigrant, Giovanni sold newspaper on traffic lights for a living and now professionally, he is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mindful Performance Blueprint (MPB) and the creator of Access the Leader Within Leadership course. MPB is a business consulting company committed to elevating the performance of individuals and organizations through the transformation of culture, leadership development, and the implementation of strategic leadership initiatives. With over 10 years of experience, Giovanni has proven ability to produce leadership at all levels of an organization and has trained thousands of business professionals from fortune 500 companies in North America, Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America.
Giovanni has a bachelor's degree in International Affairs with a concentration in international Business and a Masters in the science of Management and Leadership. Anecdotes of Giovanni?s life and his personal transformation have been published in his book ?La Mente de un Inmigrante.? (The Mind of an Immigrant, 2011) and his life story was aired on Telemundo under the title of ?breaking barriers.? Furthermore, he is frequently invited to speak as a business expert on Univision.